IPPC6: Wednesday 14th – Friday 16th August 2014
Dublin, Ireland
Public Procurement remains a key focus for policy makers in this time of global downturn and austerity. As such both academics and practitioners have a desire to share their research and practice in and open and transparent environment. In Dublin, August 2014, the Sixth International Public Procurement Conference (IPPC6) will take place. The IPPC is the largest international public procurement conference globally dedicated to academic discussion and practitioner engagement. Over the last 10 years having built its profile in attracting partcipants from over 60 countries, it is hoped that the conference in Dublin will exceed this. . more
Best Paper Awards:
There are three best paper awards, with $3,000 for the 1st best paper, $2,000 for the 2nd best paper, and $1,000 for the 3rd best paper. In addition, there are awards for students’ and practitioners’ best papers. Following are three best papers from IPPC5. more
IPPC5: Exploring New Frontiers in Public Procurement
The 5th International Public Procurement Conference was held on August 17th, 2012 in Seattle, USA. It brought together scores of public procurement specialists, scholars, students, nonprofit professionals and international nongovernmental organizations’ representatives. Over 225 experts from more than 40 countries were present and participated in the passionate and creative dialogues surrounding current public procurement challenges, practices and trends. more…
Through the insights offered by keynote speakers and presentations by experts, the participants were provided with a rich variety of useful and practical tools and suggestions for dealing with every day issues. After the first day of proceedings it soon became evident that within the devolved nature of present day governance – public procurement will inexorably become the focal point of the manner in which governments carry out public policies. Currently, public procurement specialists are often expected to assume roles that they might not be accustomed to or trained for. Within this environment dominated by change and increased demands – IPPC5 offered the much needed support and guidance for achieving and maintaining excellence in public procurement. Every attendee was treated with hard copy of the best papers (in form of two issues of the Journal of Public Procurement and an edited book) and an electronic version of the conference proceedings. All papers are now being kindly shared with the public procurement community through our online database,
With every conference the IPPC network is growing in quality and numbers. We would like to thank:
- The National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, and the FAU Public Procurement Research Center for co-hosting IPPC5;
- Dr. Gian L. Albano of Consip of Italy and Dr. Keith Snider of the Naval Postgraduate School for their continuous support of IPPC; and
- Members of the Scientific Committee for their reviews.
Finally, we would like to thank authors/presenters of great papers, panel chairs and discussants, and attendees for making IPPC5 such a success!
We are already looking forward with excitement to IPPC 6 to be held in Dublin in 2014, and hope to see everyone there!
