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IPPC6: Wednesday 14th – Friday 16th August 2014
Dublin, Ireland

Public Procurement remains a key focus for policy makers in this time of global downturn and austerity. As such both academics and practitioners have a desire to share their research and practice in and open and transparent environment. In Dublin, August 2014, the Sixth International Public Procurement Conference (IPPC6) will take place. The IPPC is the largest international public procurement conference globally dedicated to academic discussion and practitioner engagement. Over the last 10 years having built its profile in attracting partcipants from over 60 countries, it is hoped that the conference in Dublin will exceed this. . more

Best Paper Awards:
There are three best paper awards, with $3,000 for the 1st best paper, $2,000 for the 2nd best paper, and $1,000 for the 3rd best paper. In addition, there are awards for students’ and practitioners’ best papers. Following are three best papers from IPPC5. more




IPPC6: Public Procurement in an Austere Time

Public Procurement remains a key focus for policy makers in this time of global downturn and austerity. As such both academics and practitioners have a desire to share their research and practice in and open and transparent environment. In Dublin, August 2014, the Sixth International Public Procurement Conference (IPPC6) will take place. The IPPC is the largest international public procurement conference globally dedicated to academic discussion and practitioner engagement. Over the last 10 years having built its profile in attracting partcipants from over 60 countries, it is hoped that the conference in Dublin will exceed this. 

Call for Paper Proposals/Abstracts

We are now opening the call for paper proposals/abstracts. We welcome papers that will focus on public procurement from a theoretical, empirical, practical and institutional perspective. The conference in Dublin will be taking papers that are competitive, working and practitioner oriented. It is also proposed that there will be an opportunity for poster presentations in each stream.

Suggested streams of focus (this is not an all-inclusive list) will include:

  • Public Procurement Policy
  • Public Procurement as a Social/Economic Tool
  • Lessons Learned
  • Public Procurement and Transparency / Accountability
  • Economics of Public Procurement
  • Innovation and Public Procurement
  • Small Business and Public Procurement
  • Defence Procurement
  • Sustainability and Public Procurement
  • Public Procurement Governance

    Best Paper Awards

    There are three best paper awards, with $3,000 for the 1st best paper, $2,000 for the 2nd best paper, and $1,000 for the 3rd best paper. In addition, there are awards for students’ and practitioners’ best papers.


    Abstract submission must be completed online through the IPPC6 online abstract submission.  Please see the website for more information www.ippc6.com

    Important Dates

    Call for paper proposals                                 1st August 2013
    Deadline for paper proposals                          2nd September 2013
    Notificiation of acceptance of paper proposals  30th September 2013
    Closing date for full paper submission         3rd February 2014              
    Notification of acceptance of full papers            14th March 2014
    Deadline for early registration                       14th May 2014

    Why Attend

    IPPC is targeted to procurement professionals, academic and government researchers, industry, policy makers and regulators. The conference particularly welcomes the attendance of students including graduate students and postdoctoral trainees.

    Conference Fees

    The registration fee for the full conference and workshop is €240 and €160 for students and participants from third world countries. To avail of the early registration fee, registration should be made before 14th May 2014.  Those who pay after this deadline have to pay a €40.00 surcharge. Cancellations before the 14th May are eligible for a 50% refund of the conference fee. Registration will open in October 2013.  The link to the online registration form and more information is available on the conference website www.ippc6.com

    Conference Chair
    Paul Davis, Dublin City University

    Scientific Committee

    Paul Davis, Dublin City University, Co-Chair
    Khi V. Thai, Florida Atlantic University and IPPC, USA, Co-Chair
    Gian Luigi Albano, Consip, Italy
    Alessandro Ancarani, University of Catania, Italy
    Hannie Badenhorst-Weiss, University of South Africa
    Bert Baeyens, Public Procurement Management VIB, Belgium
    Benon Besheka, Uganda Management Institute
    Guy Callender, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
    Tomas Campero, Inter-American Development Bank
    Fuguo Cao, Central University of Finance and Economics (China)
    Jeremy Chen, Defense Science and Technology Agency, Singapore
    Richard Doyle, University of New England, Australia
    Michael Essig, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
    Stephen B. Gordon, Old Dominion University, USA
    Peter van der Hoek, Erasmus University, The Netherlands
    Atsushi Iimi, Sustainable Development Network, The World Bank Group
    David Jones, University of Brunei
    Dae-In Kim, Ewha Women University, South Korea
    I-Ming Liao, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
    Veiko Lamber, Tallinn University of Technology
    Wendell Lawther, University of Central Florida
    Anders Lunander, Örebro University, Sweden
    Sofia Lundberg, Umeå University, Sweden
    Odysseus Manoliadis, Democritus University of Thrace (Greece)
    Cliff McCue, Florida Atlantic University, USA
    Teresa Medina-Arnáiz, University of Burgos, Spain
    Ari Nissinen, Finnish Environment Institute, Finland
    Joseph Ntayi, Makerere University, Uganda
    Sander Onderstal, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Eric Prier, Florida Atlantic University, USA.
    Gustavo Piga, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy
    Jacqueline Pontre, Procurement Support Service, United Nations Developemnt Programme 
    Sharon Purchase, University of Western Australia
    Joshua Schwartz, George Washington University, USA
    Keith Snider, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
    Satoru Tanaka, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan
    Tunde Tatrai, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
    Jan Telgen, University of Twente, The Netherlands
    Fred Thompson, Williamette University, USA
    Ioannis E. Tsola, National Technical University of Athens Greece Local Organising Committee

    Paul Davis, Chair, Dublin City University
    Emma McEvoy, Dublin City University

    Hosted By

    Irish Institute of Purchasing Management
    Dublin City University

    Professional Conference Organiser Conference Partners Ltd is the professional conference organiser assisting with the organisation of IPPC 2014 Conference.

    +353 1 296 9391

    Co-sponsored By

    - NIGP: The Institute for Public Procurement, USA
    - Pracademics Press, USA

    Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities

    If you would like to find out more information on becoming a sponsor or exhibitor please contact:
    Tel: +353 87 223 3477, Conference Partners Ltd
    E-mail: colm@conferencepartners.ie

    Dublin, Ireland

    Ireland is the most westerly island in Europe, and is divided into the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Ireland enjoys a rich diversity of ethnic groups and cultures. The conference will take place in Dublin which is the capital city.  The city is steeped in history and buzzing with energy.  Medieval, Georgian and modern architecture provide a backdrop to a friendly cosmopolitan city.  Dublin is easily accessible from the UK, Continental Europe and the east and west coast of the USA and the Middle East.  Please see the conference website for more information on access to Ireland www.ippc6.com

    Venue Information

    The conference will be held in the Aviva Stadium on Lansdowne Road which is 20 minutes walking distance from the city centre.  This state of the art stadium is the home to rugby and football in Ireland.


    We have negotiated special discounted rates for IPPC delegates in a range of accommodation close to Aviva Stadium.  To avail of these special discounted rates you will need to book your accommodation on your registration form.  More information is available on the conference website www.ippc6.com

    Tentative Program


    Wednesday 14th August

    Thursday 15th August

    Friday 16th August



    Parallel Tracks

    Parallel Tracks

    Opening Plenary Session


    Parallel Tracks

    Closing Plenary Session




    Parallel Tracks

     Parallel Tracks



    Procurement Awards

    Parallel Tracks

    Parallel Tracks



    Welcome Reception


    Conference Dinner

    Further Information

    Please see the conference website www.ippc6.com for regular updates.
    For information on the programme or the call for abstracts, please contact:
    Paul Davis, Dublin City University
    Email: ippc6dublin@gmail.com
    For information on accommodation, social programme and registration please contact
    Alison O’Shea, Conference Partners Ltd
    Tel: +353 1 296 7252
    E-mail: ippc62014@conferencepartners.ie



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