

  Preface  v
  List of Contributors  vi
1. Introduction
Khi V. Thai

Part I. Public Procurement Systems

2. Public Procurement and the Private Business Sector: Evidence from Firm-Level Data
Tania Ghossein, Asif M. Islam and Federica Saliola
3. Public Procurement Systems: A Comparative Study of Ireland and Saudi Arabia
Dhafer Al Ahmari and Paul Davis
4. Effects of Governance Structures on Sustainability- Oriented Supplier Behavior: Analysis of National Action Plans and Their Effects in Public Procurement
Andreas H. Glas, Julian Gaus, Michael Essig

Part 2. Public Procurement Methods and Strategies

5. Detecting Bid-Rigging in the “Big Data Era”
Paolo Buccirossi, Giulia Di Pierro and Luca Giangregorio
6. Alternative Approach to Public Procurement: Selling Put Options via Electronic Auction
Matias Huhtilainen
7. The Numbers Tell the Tale: A Spend Analysis in Five Government Procuring and Disposing Entities in Uganda
Charles Ndandiko, David N. Kiyingi, Francis Ssennoga and Roel van Weert
8. Adoption of Force Account Mechanism in Road Maintenance Works’ Procurements: Stakeholders’ Opinions in Uganda
Faith Mbabazi and Godfrey Mugurusi
9. The Desirability and Feasibility of Developing Sustainability Index for Public Procurement
Edward Schwerin, Eric Prier and Clifford McCue
10. Improvements In Services Contracting: The Defense Department’s Implementation Of Performance-Based Services Acquisition
William Lucyshyn and John Rigilano

Part 3. Use of Literature Review for Procurement Research

11. Performance Expectations Gap in Public Works Contracts: A Theoretical Review
Charles Kalinzi, Joseph Ntayi, Moses Muhwezi and Levi Kabagambe
12. An Exploratory Literature Review across Scientific Silos on Public Procurement
Timo Kivistö and Veli Matti Virolainen
13. A Framework For Collaborative Public Procurement (CPP): Developed From An International Survey
Andrea Patrucco, Christine Harland, Jane Lynch, Tunde Tatrai, and Jan Telgen

List of Contributors
1. Charting a Course in Public Procurement Innovation and Knowledge Sharing
G. L. Albano, K. F. Snider and K. V. Thai

Part I. Public Procurement as a Policy Tool

2. The Uses and Abuses of Public Procurement in Hungary
T. Tátrai and G. Nyikos


3. Green Procurement in the Public Sector: Purchasing Departments as Procurement Entrepreneurs
C. D. Smith

4. Reform of the EU Procurement Directives and WTO GPA: Forward Steps for Sustainability
A. Semple

5. Public Sector Tendering Challenges For SMEs, Procurer Feedback Provision and Tendering Support Mechanisms: Insights from the Welsh Tender Review Service
C. Evans

6. Sustainable Public Procurement in Practice: Case Study Evidence from Ireland
A. Flynn, P. Davis, D. McKevitt and E. McEvoy

Part 2. Defense Procurement

7. Defense Procurement: An Empirical Analysis of Critical Success Factors
R. G. Rendon

8. Performance-Based Logistics in Germany: Case Studies from Defense Procurement
F. C. Kleemann, A. Glas and M. Essig

Part 3. Dealing with Suppliers

9. Suppliers’ Integrity Management in Chinese Public Procurement: An Explorative Study
C. Wang and Y. Qiao

10. Empirical Analysis of Suppliers’ Non-Performance Risks in Execution of Public Procurement Contracts in Russia
A. Yakovlev, O. Demidova and O. Balaeva

Part 4. Other Public Procurement Issues

11. The Science of Public Procurement Management and Administration
B. C. Basheka

12. Sourcing for Government Goods and Services: Theory and Evidence from Swedish Cities and Authorities
M. A. Bergman and S. Lundberg

13. Litigating State Secrets in Government Contract Performance Disputes
J. I. Schwartz

14.The Influence of EU State Aid Rules on PPP Infrastructure Projects
A. Romanelli and K. Hornbanger


15. A Procurement Auction Model for Framework Agreements
Y. Gur, G. Weintraub and D. Escobar


16. A Review of Procurement Practices in the South African Public Sector
I. M. Ambe and J. A. Badenhorst-Weiss


IPPC 6 Papers Selected for the IPPC6 Book

Book Title: International Public Procurement: Innovation and Knowledge Sharing

Editors:  Paul Davis and Khi V. Thai

This book was published by PrAcademics Press, Highland Beach, Florida, USA in 2015 International Public Procurement: Innovation and Knowledge Sharing (ISBN 0-9668864-8-8). Please contact the publisher if you wish to purchase a printed copy)


1. International Public Procurement: Innovation and Knowledge Sharing

Khi V. Thai

 Part I. Innovation in Public Procurement Profession

2. Contract Management Innovation in Public Procurement: Costa Rica ́s Experience

I. Palaco, A. Avendaño and W. Nuñez

3. The Municipal Partnering Initiative: Mixed Contracting in Local Government Procurement

D. Rauch

4. The Impact of Changing Patterns of Commercial Card Use by the U.S. Government on Governmental Efficiency and Cost Savings

R. Palmer, M. Gupta and N. Palmer

5. Defense Management Research Capacities and Topics: Blind Spots in Defense Acquisition Management

C. v. Deimling, A. H. Glas and M. Essig

6. Customers’ Preferences in Municipal Waste Services Procurement

A. Ancarani, C. D. Mauro, F. Mascali, and L. L. Marca

 Part II. Public Procurement Transparency

7. Rationalising Public Procurement of Complex Construction Projects by the Price Component Selection

P. Lahdenperä

8. Pricing for Public Purchase: A Qualitative-Empirical Analysis of Public Procurement and Price Setting Practices

M. Georgi and S. Kemmeter

9. Procurement Conspiracies and Procurement Governance: Some Lessons from Thailand

S. Khoman

10. Collaborative Public Procurement: A Comparative Review of the Indian Position with International Practices on Pooled Procurement from Competition Law Perspectives

S. Verma

11. Regulating the Pre-Procurement Phase: Context and Perspectives

W. A. Janssen

12. Construction Procurers’ Perceptions of Value for Money

W. J. Staples

PART III. Preferential Public Procurement

13.The Reform to EU Utilities Procurement: Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive?

Eleanor Aspey

14. Stages of Development towards Sustainable Public Procurement

T. Tátrai

15. Policy Implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement in China

C. Wang and X. Li

16. The Role of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in a Sustainable Public Procurement System

A. Gorczynska


Book title: “Global Public Procurement: Theories and Practices”

(Editors: Khi V. Thai and Robin A. Suryo, 2016).

This book was published by Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland in 2017 Global Public Procurement: Theories and Practices (ISBN 978-3-319-49279-7).
Please contact the publisher if you wish to purchase a hard copy). Please note that chapters’ page numbers in this IPPC book are different from chapters’ page numbers in the book published by Spingler.


Table of Contents


1.Global Public Procurement Theories And Practices : An Introduction
Khi V. Thai*

Part I. Public Procurement as a Public Policy Tool

2.Public Procurement In Lithuania: (Dis)Balance Between Profitability And Environmental Protection
Dovilė Šličiuvienė*

3.The Social Value In Social Clauses: Methods Of Measuring And Evaluation In Social Procurement
Deirdre Halloran*

4.Promoting Public Procurement Of Sustainable Innovations: Approaches For Effective Market Dialogue
Katriina Alhola, Marja Salo, Riina Antikainen and Annukka Berg*

5.Analyzing Local And Sme Participation In Public Procurement – Evidence From Seven Finnish Municipalities
Timo Kivistö and Veli Matti Virolainen*

6.Small Public Procurement Contracts: A Comparison Of The French, Dutch And Belgian Legal Treatments
Bert Baeyens*

7. The Effect Of A Government Target For The Procurement Of Innovation: The Case Of The Uk’s Small Business Research Initiative
Jillian Yeow, John Rigby, and Yanchao Li

Part II. Performance-based Public Procurement

8.Contractual Governance Mechanisms, Dynamic Capabilities, Transactional Specific Relationships And Supplier Performance In Uganda
Desire Kansiime, Joseph M. Ntayi and Arthur Ahimbisibwe*

9. Explaining The Policy-Practice Gap In U.S. Federal Contracting: Institutional Isopraxism And Performancebased Acquisition1
Bryan F. Mansfield and Keith F. Snider*

10.A Price Review Framework For Maintenance, Repair And Operations Procurement Contracts In The Public Sector
Lian Kiang Tan and Shao Hung Goh*

11. Quality of Local Environment and Efficiency in Public Works Execution
Calogero Guccio, Ilde Rizzo and Domenico Lisi

12. Strengthening the Effectiveness of Exclusion Mechanism in Public Procurement
Richo Andi Wibowo

PART III. Other Public Procurement Issues

13. Public Procurement in TTIP: An Opportunity to Set Global Standards
Eleanor Aspey

14. Asymmetric Information and Integrity Pacts for Public Procurement: A Case Study
Siri Khoman

15. Managing the Risks of Outsourcing a Health Service Function
Suvituulia Taponen

16. Best Practice in South African Construction Procurement Law
Allison Anthony

17. The What, Who, and How of Public Procurement: Job Functions Performed and Managed by Professionals
Joshua Steinfeld

Boca Raton, FL, USA: PrAcademics Press, 2006


List of Contributors

  1. Advancing Public Procurement: Practices, Innovation and Knowledge-Sharing
    Khi V. Thai

Part I. Partnerships and Collaborative Procurement

  1. Organising For Collaborative Procurement: An Initial Conceptual Framework
    Elmer Bakker, Helen Walker and Christine Harland

      1. Using Agency Theory to Model Cooperative Public Purchasing 
        Clifford McCue and Eric Prier

      2. Cooperation for Tenders: Is It a Threat to Competition?
        Flóra Felsö, Barbara Baarsma and José Mulder

      3. One More Time… How to Measure Alliance Success in Conditions of Public-Private Partnering
        Sandy Chong and Guy Callender

      4. Market-Based Government: Lessons Learned from Five Cases
        William Lucyshyn

Part II. Regulations and Ethics

      1. Procurement Ethics and Innovation in UK Healthcare
        Wendy Phillips, Nigel Caldwell, Thomas Johnsen and Michael Lewis
      2. Governmental Procurement: FAR from a Competitive Process Dean E. Brunk
      1. Regulation and Deregulation in Public Procurement Law Reform in the United States
        Joshua I. Schwartz

      1. Law and Economics Analysis of the Estonian Public Procurement Act
        Ringa Raudla

Part III. Public Procurement as a Policy Tool

      1. Environmental Concerns in Swedish Local Government Procurement
        Frederik Waara and Lina Carlsson


      2. Green Award Criteria in the Most EconomicallyAdvantageous Tender in Public Purchasing
        Katriina Parikka-Alhola, Ari Nissinen and Ari Ekroos


      3. Public Procurement and Social Policy in Northern Ireland: The Unemployment Pilot Project
        Andrew Erridge and Sean Hennigan


      4. Unintended Consequences: Procurement Policy and the Canadian International Trade Tribunal
        Barbara Ann C. Allen


      5. The Use of the Purchasing Power of the State to Promote the Development of Small Businesses – The Brazilian Experience
        Rafael S. Arantes, Loreni F. Foresti and Vinício Rossetto

Part IV. Other Issues

  1. Public Procurement Reform in Developing Countries: The Uganda Experience
    Nigel Shipman and Edgar Agab
  1. Beyond Compliance: The Reform of Public Procurement Laws in Central and Eastern Europe in the Context of the Enlargement Process of the European Union
    Martin Trybus

  1. Procurement’s Value – What Are We Really Measuring?
    Andrew Kidd


  2. A Principal-Agent Analysis of Accountability in Public Procurement
    Ohad Soudry


  3. Early Public Procurement Involvement in Emerging Technologies? The Case of Tissue Engineering
    Wendy Phillips, Nigel Caldwell and Thomas Johnsen


  4. Public Purchasing Future: Buying from Multiple Suppliers
    Merijn M. Linthorst and Jan Telgen


  5. Benchmarking European Public Procurement Practices: Purchasing of "Fix-Line Telephone Services" and "Paper for Printers" 
    Laura Carpineti, Gustavo Piga, and Matteo Zanza

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News Release

The 9th International Public Procurement Conference

Thursday – Saturday, October 3-5, 2024
Umm Al Quwain University, United Arab Emirates

Public procurement is both a science and an art, and requires knowledge and analytical skills, and keen judgment. As such both academics and practitioners have a desire to share their research and practice in and open and transparent environment. The 9th International Public Procurement Conference (IPPC9) will take place at the Umm Al Quwain University, United Arab Emirates, October 3-5, 2024. For detailed IPPC9 information, including submissions deadlines for paper proposals and full papers, best paper awards, registration fees and hotels


Call for Paper Proposal

We would like to invite your submission of paper proposals for the 9th International Public Procurement Conference to be held in at the Umm Al Quwain University, United Arab Emirates, October 3-5, 2024.

October 3-5, 2024, Umm Al Quwain University, United Arab Emirates

Deadline for paper proposal submissions

20th December 2023

Notification of acceptance of paper proposals

31st December 2023

Closing date for full paper submissions

30th June 2024

Notification of acceptance of full papers

31st July 2024

Please visit for information about research topics, paper reviews, publication venues, and best paper awards

Paper Preparation Guidelines. The general format of the manuscript should be as follows....

The deadline for Abstract/Paper Proposal Submissions (IPPC9) is 20th December 2023