Book title: “Global Public Procurement: Theories and Practices”

(Editors: Khi V. Thai and Robin A. Suryo, 2016).

This book was published by Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland in 2017 Global Public Procurement: Theories and Practices (ISBN 978-3-319-49279-7).
Please contact the publisher if you wish to purchase a hard copy). Please note that chapters’ page numbers in this IPPC book are different from chapters’ page numbers in the book published by Spingler.


Table of Contents


1.Global Public Procurement Theories And Practices : An Introduction
Khi V. Thai*

Part I. Public Procurement as a Public Policy Tool

2.Public Procurement In Lithuania: (Dis)Balance Between Profitability And Environmental Protection
Dovilė Šličiuvienė*

3.The Social Value In Social Clauses: Methods Of Measuring And Evaluation In Social Procurement
Deirdre Halloran*

4.Promoting Public Procurement Of Sustainable Innovations: Approaches For Effective Market Dialogue
Katriina Alhola, Marja Salo, Riina Antikainen and Annukka Berg*

5.Analyzing Local And Sme Participation In Public Procurement – Evidence From Seven Finnish Municipalities
Timo Kivistö and Veli Matti Virolainen*

6.Small Public Procurement Contracts: A Comparison Of The French, Dutch And Belgian Legal Treatments
Bert Baeyens*

7. The Effect Of A Government Target For The Procurement Of Innovation: The Case Of The Uk’s Small Business Research Initiative
Jillian Yeow, John Rigby, and Yanchao Li

Part II. Performance-based Public Procurement

8.Contractual Governance Mechanisms, Dynamic Capabilities, Transactional Specific Relationships And Supplier Performance In Uganda
Desire Kansiime, Joseph M. Ntayi and Arthur Ahimbisibwe*

9. Explaining The Policy-Practice Gap In U.S. Federal Contracting: Institutional Isopraxism And Performancebased Acquisition1
Bryan F. Mansfield and Keith F. Snider*

10.A Price Review Framework For Maintenance, Repair And Operations Procurement Contracts In The Public Sector
Lian Kiang Tan and Shao Hung Goh*

11. Quality of Local Environment and Efficiency in Public Works Execution
Calogero Guccio, Ilde Rizzo and Domenico Lisi

12. Strengthening the Effectiveness of Exclusion Mechanism in Public Procurement
Richo Andi Wibowo

PART III. Other Public Procurement Issues

13. Public Procurement in TTIP: An Opportunity to Set Global Standards
Eleanor Aspey

14. Asymmetric Information and Integrity Pacts for Public Procurement: A Case Study
Siri Khoman

15. Managing the Risks of Outsourcing a Health Service Function
Suvituulia Taponen

16. Best Practice in South African Construction Procurement Law
Allison Anthony

17. The What, Who, and How of Public Procurement: Job Functions Performed and Managed by Professionals
Joshua Steinfeld

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News Release

The 9th International Public Procurement Conference

Thursday – Saturday, October 3-5, 2024
Umm Al Quwain University, United Arab Emirates

Public procurement is both a science and an art, and requires knowledge and analytical skills, and keen judgment. As such both academics and practitioners have a desire to share their research and practice in and open and transparent environment. The 9th International Public Procurement Conference (IPPC9) will take place at the Umm Al Quwain University, United Arab Emirates, October 3-5, 2024. For detailed IPPC9 information, including submissions deadlines for paper proposals and full papers, best paper awards, registration fees and hotels


Call for Paper Proposal

We would like to invite your submission of paper proposals for the 9th International Public Procurement Conference to be held in at the Umm Al Quwain University, United Arab Emirates, October 3-5, 2024.

October 3-5, 2024, Umm Al Quwain University, United Arab Emirates

Deadline for paper proposal submissions

20th December 2023

Notification of acceptance of paper proposals

31st December 2023

Closing date for full paper submissions

30th June 2024

Notification of acceptance of full papers

31st July 2024

Please visit for information about research topics, paper reviews, publication venues, and best paper awards

Paper Preparation Guidelines. The general format of the manuscript should be as follows....

The deadline for Abstract/Paper Proposal Submissions (IPPC9) is 20th December 2023